LPR Camera PGS


LannerEYE is an Artificial Intelligence, deep-learning-based License Plate Recognition (LPR) engine that is more accurate than traditional OCR image processing systems.

A history of innovation and customer satisfaction.


lannerEye is smart, accurate and reliable


Stall occupancy is monitored by camera system.

Typically, 3~8 stalls are monitored per camera.

Stall availability is indicated by LED space indicator  light.

LannerEYE represents a groundbreaking leap in License Plate Recognition (LPR), exclusively relying on 100% deep learning methodologies executed on CPU’s. Departing from conventional OCR engines rooted in image processing, LannerEYE showcases unparalleled adaptability to distortions in license plate images.

Crafted with a series of convolutional neural networks, LannerEYE integrates state-of-the-art activation functions, object recognition-optimized loss functions, and overfit-prevention mechanisms, enhancing both accuracy and reliability.

LannerEYE undergoes extensive training, encompassing millions of real and virtual license plate images, simulating diverse conditions like illumination, angles, and damages. Leveraging advanced data augmentation techniques, virtual images contribute to a comprehensive training dataset.

Efficiency is at the forefront, as LannerEYE is exclusively built in 100% C++ language, enabling swift operation even in the absence of GPU support.


Lannereye has a deep license plate database

Benefits: LPR system – Artifical Intelligence (AI) TIS LPR software (LannerEYE) provides most advanced PGS, including “Find my car” feature while providing added surveillance & security. Most expensive PGS system.


recognizing license plates under abnormal conditions

Main Components:

-PGS Cameras 2
-LPR engine (LannerEYE)
-Entrance & Way Finding Signages
-KIOSK for “Find My Car”

Demonstrating remarkable proficiency, LannerEYE excels in recognizing license plates under abnormal conditions—angled, damaged, irregular, and light-reflected plates—validated through successful implementations in South Korea and the Philippines.

The machine learning process empowers LannerEYE to adapt to various international license plate formats through comprehensive training, achieving an accuracy rate that continually improves, ultimately aiming for a 100% success rate.



Aiming for a 100% success rate

Benefits: LPR system – Artifical Intelligence (AI) TIS LPR software (LannerEYE) provides most advanced PGS, including “Find my car” feature while providing added surveillance & security.


99% recognition rate

System Control Program:

POMS – Parking Operation Management Software

Optional Mobile App:

Shows real time parking stall availability
– Provides vehicle location (photo)
– Parking space reservation
– Remotely control PGS system


LannerEYE’s pivotal role extends to essential applications such as Parking Access and Revenue Control Systems (PARCS) and Camera-based Parking Guidance Systems (PGS). In Korea, the recognition rate stands impressively at 99.9%, encompassing diverse license plate types, including those for electric vehicles.

LannerEYE Scanning Korean License Plates


achieving accuracy in difficult conditions

In the Philippines, there are various license plates and hundreds of different temporary plates provided by dealers, which are notorious for one of the most illegible number plates by LPR engine in the world.

It is difficult to achieve recognition rate higher than 80% with existing commercial LPR engines.

But, LannerEYE has reached 98% in recognition accuracy rate and is working well in some Filipino customer sites.


99% recognition rate

TIS is currently upgrading LannerEYE to recognize North American license plates.

There are currently many different license plate of vehicle, offered by the 50 states and the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.), which  has its own design such as colors, pictures, and font of letters and numbers and has been changed in its design by every 5, 7 or 10 years.

In addition, there are individual license plates for special groups such as occupations, organizations, veterans, etc. and there are many vehicles in the United States that are used for 10 to 20 years or more. Like the United States, Canada is divided into 10 Provinces and 3 Territories, each with a different license plate design.

Therefore, since the number of license plates for vehicles driving on roads in North Ameria may reach several thousands, it is difficult to accurately recognize various types of license plates, including the state, using the existing traditional OCR LPR engine. LannerEYE, TIS’ artificial intelligence LPR engine, is undergoing machine learning with hundreds of thousands of actual license plate images from each state in North America and will achieve recognition accuracy of over 98% around June 2024, enabling commercial application.

If reading errors occur at the customer’s sites where the LannerEYE is used, its recognition ability can be immediately improved by deep learning the unrecognized or misrecognized vehicle images, ultimately allowing the license plates t to be recognized with a recognition accuracy of 99.9%. LannerEYE will be able to contribute effectively to management of parking garages without errors.



schedule a consultation

We would be glad to discuss your needs anytime!